What’s the story behind the name Pizza 73?
The names Pizza 1 through Pizza 72 were already taken — so we had to settle for Pizza 73. But seriously, our name finds its origin in the digits of our original phone number: 473-7373.
So what’s the deal on delivery?
Since opening our first store in Edmonton in 1985, we’ve charged for delivery – and so have our competitors. We all have to. If we could do it for free, we would. Think about it – would you spend your nights driving around, winter and summer, delivering pizzas for free? We didn’t think so.
Some of our competitors (fewer over time) have offered “free delivery”. Their costs to do this are comparable to ours and it’s, obviously, built into their prices. We’re confident our “door step” price is competitive with any major competitor. We believe in being upfront about delivery and in providing the best value we can.
If you pick up, you save the delivery charge. If you opt for the convenience of delivery, the entire charge goes to our driver — who provides his/her own car, gas and insurance. We believe in fairly compensating our drivers so that our level of service remains high. We think it’s the fairest way for all concerned.
How does the Everyday Deal work?
It’s our most popular item on the menu, because of the wide selection and value! With the Everyday Deal, have the choice of getting two pizzas or one pizza and one Wing Meal (or Boneless Wing Meal, or Shrimp Meal)… all for our everyday low price! And even better, it comes packaged in a nifty double-decker box.
The Everyday Deal comes in three sizes- Small, Medium and Large. If you get a Large Pizza, your second item will be of corresponding size- either another Large pizza or a Large (15pc) Wing Meal. Same goes for Medium and Small!